Organic Marne Garlic

Located on the banks of the Marne River, in the picturesque region of Kongolia, South Australia.

We are dedicated to producing high-quality, organic garlic using sustainable farming practices.

Kings Old Station

G’day and welcome to Kings Old Station.

Establishing our small family farm in 2014, the two of us, Chris and Christine, have been committed with the utmost integrity, through trial and error, research and application, to producing delicious, nutritious, high-quality organic garlic for ourselves and our customers.

We believe that sustainable farming is the future of agriculture and embrace the permaculture ethics of earth care, people care and fair share.  We prioritise environmental stewardship and the health and well-being of our community.

Our Garlic


We take great care in every step of the garlic production process, from planting to harvesting and packaging.  We carefully hand-select the best bulbs and then plant on a waning moon ensuring the best possible healthy plant growth, for maximum garlic production and flavour.


Certified organic weed mat and a lot of manual labour means no herbicides are used.

Plant uptake of soluble minerals is improved via Magnetic Technology for water conditioning,  also reducing and or reversing any mineralisation/scaling effects in irrigation systems.  Dripline irrigation is used for responsible water management.


All natural organic fertigation with a combination of trace elements, vermiculture and self-produced fish emulsion for  plant health and enhanced flavour.

Taste the difference

Whether you’re sautéing it with vegetables, using it to flavor your favorite pasta dish, or simply enjoying it roasted on its own, organic garlic is a delicious and healthy choice that’s sure to please your taste buds and benefit your body.   Start enjoying its delicious flavor and health benefits today.  Your taste buds and your body will thank you!

Feel the difference

Organic garlic  comes with a host of health benefits, packed with anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting properties it’s a great source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, B6, and manganese.